1:43 pm

One of my favourite dresses ever. Its Dior, Fall Couture 2007. two years ago, but i still remember it heehee
anyways, im home now, super jetlagged but its nice having the whole house to myself. Hahahh the five of us in the family are in four different countries now :S
Work on EE
Math port
And of course, acff :)
-Send 2 dresses for tailoring
-Get the pants tailored
-Send one dress for alteration (tricia so slim yo)
When it comes to acff, I just don't know. Im super super excited and happy cuz having a fashion show has always always been my dream but at the same time I'm really really scared. The first two dresses were a disappointment, i think I shouldve chosen better materials, and the tailoring was awful. But i re-did one of them, its looking really gorgeous now i think. The black chiffon and blue velvet one is the love
Gah, I need to learn how to sew instead of sending everything to tailors, cuz then whatever image I have in mind can be directly translated to the dress.
One thing I learnt was that when you give the dress for tailoring, it'll never turn out exactly how you want it to. Another thing I learnt was that material and cut are THE MOST IMPORTANT things when designing. The third thing I learnt was that you always have to be confident about what you've designed/created (and believe me im working on that one).
But the most important thing I've realised? Is that there's nothing else I'd rather be doing.
Wah so dramatic :)
YShe laughed. And laughed. And laughed yet again.;;
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
1:03 pm
Ford: You should prepare yourself for the jump into hyperspace, it's unpleasantly like being drunk.
Arthur: What's so unpleasant about being drunk?
Ford: Just ask a glass of water...
I dunno why I decided to blog again. I'm not particularly angry or happy or upset or anything. The last time I blogged was just before founder's day MGS 2009, I promised a update full of all the fun I thought we'd have. Well, the founder's day service was just like any other MG chapel (snoozefest) and 4e did what we would have done on any other monday @ mgs: sleep. Half the class fell asleep and I swear some people were snoring.
Anyway that was 4 months ago, time to move on.
Finishing up TOK, I'm dead for EE though. My tutor hates me and I dont blame her, not that I'm to blame either i think.
School's been fun, fun, fun. Whatever some people (I) may say about acs, you'll never be bored, atleast not with 5.8 kings, we're retarded. I do love the class <3
Or as tricia will say, R'TARDED, BYTCH.
4e class party soon, tomorrow. Hope i finish EE by then.
I'm excited for ACFF, im designing a collection did you know? I hope everything turns out fine, I'm quite paranoid about the clothes i realised haha. But I have my awesome family <3<3>
Sigh looking at the male models, i shouldve designed some guys clothes. Heehee. But Leo said I should focus on women's clothing, I think he realised my ulterior motives :o
That was a joke, im not that horny I swear :/
Anyway, bye. yeah :)
i think only sulyn and jermaine will understand this, but:
flabajaba, celery, cous cous the moose, moose moose the banana....
YShe laughed. And laughed. And laughed yet again.;;