
"Will things ever be the same again?

It's the final countdown.."

- Europe,'The Final Countdown'

♥ Me.

Name:Rivali Dass
Age:16 :)
Birthday: 5th Oct '92
Class:1D '05, 2e '06 <33,3e '07, 4e '08
School: MGS
I <3: Family, My dogs, 2e, 4e, MORONS, painting, designing, writing weird stories, being generally weird, unsettling people...

♥ Tagboard

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

3:56 pm

Okay, I feel the need to COMPLAIN about what we're learning in school right now. I've been mugging and mugging for the exams and you know, the subjects are really interesting and all that but- WHAT USE IS IT TO US IN REAL LIFE?? HUH?

Forget your future dreams of becoming a world-famous scientist or a lawyer,etc. Think about everyday life. You wake up, brush your teeth, have a bath, go to school, etc. English. Maths. Science. They're useful.. but..

Pros: We need to be able to communicate with the world,etc.

Cons: The cavemen did fine without it. Why can't we learn Japanese instead? [i luv the language :) mum promised to sign me up for Jap classes after the Exams.. And guitar lessons too!! Whoopee! Seriously sick of piano...I've been playing it for - what? NINE years now? Okay- back on track-]

Pros: We need to be able to count.

Cons: Imagine this- One day, you are late for work. You want to know which speed you have to drive at to get there on time. You slow down your car drastically and calculate - Distance/Time = x km/h. Or whatever.

Now, most of you will say: I/my parents don't calculate that sort of rubbish. We just speed up too. Well, you don't need maths to do that, which basically proves my point - Math is redundant.
Btw: I luv maths.

Physics, Chem and Bio are quite okay. They help. But Life Sciences.....
AAAArgh... Who cares about adenine, cytosine, etc? And it doesn't help that Melissa Sim hates my guts...

Am I a crop? No. Am I soil? No. Am I an earthworm? NO!!
Geography is useful sometimes, but NOT when we have to memorise 10 different types of land. What? Arable, derelict, arid- shit i forgot the others.
Geography is really helpful, of course, if you're a Martian taking over earth. [Meera Rajah, pay attention.]

In my opinion, its the most interesting subject. I don't mind mugging pages of it. Until chapter 8 ends, and instead of strikes and riots and HITLER, we have to study the Rendel Constitution or whatnot. Wheres Yamashita? Dead. Hitler? Dead.(boohoo) Percival? Dead. Point is, learning about socialism and communism does help. Really.

But the rest of this country's history? We're learning about the merger now. Its REALLY hard to believe that everything was wrong with Malaysia and that Singapore was this little angel. I mean, sure, Malaysia could have been wrong. But Singapore must have had some faults..
And- wait- I may get into trouble for this. Better stop now. So much for freedom of speech.

And, *fondly*,
I seriously think its the most useful subject. You get to learn how to analyse people,recognise various characters, read books, etc. [I luv reading books.] And ofcourse, maybe I like Lit cuz Mrs. Ng is the teacher. Admit it, dear pple of 2e, she IS nice. And interesting. And she doesn't pile bullshit on us thinking we're 'too young to understand.'

I mean, Romeo and Juliet must have wanted to have sex to some extent right? Pure love my foot. You can't fall in love so easily and kill yourself just because lover-boy/girl died. Get on with life, man!
Didn't Romeo have some hopes/dreams in life? I guess he didn't. Which is why it was better for Juliet to die, than live with that backboneless monkey who couldn't even tell his parents about his love for her.

The book was beautiful, but Mrs. Ng made the story plausible. Now, I don't think "Romeo and Juliet- stupid people deserved to die.Can never happen in real life lor." [Ok, this totally contradicts what I just said in the last paragraph.]

And, speaking of history, a couple of days ago, Mr. Seow was telling us about Devan Nair, and how he left Singapore because of a scandal..

Mr. Seow: And, Singapore's former President, C V Devan Nair resigned from Presidency and left Singapore because of a scandal. One day, he was overseas, and he was staying at the palace in Sarawak.(I think) He apparently got drunk, and openly molested a maid, by grabbing her breats.
2e: WHAAAATT??? Really?
Blur person: Huh? WHat do you mean?
Mr. Seow: You know.. [uses his hands to circle his chest, then makes a grabbing motion.]
2e: AAAAAAH!!! STOP!! You didn't have to do that!!
Esther: (dreamily) Boooooobsss...

Sarah: [to Mr. Seow] And Hui Ling is in love with Hui Mun, Hui Erh's brother.[Hui Erh is an upper sec prefect.]
Mr. Seow: Who is Hui Erh?
Hui Ling: That one...
Mr. Seow: Huh? What one, lah?
Hui Ling: Aiyah, the one that you raped lah.
Mr. Seow: Huh? The one I made laugh? Rivali, Daphne, what did she say?
Me: You don't wanna know, seriously.

And I know its a really long post, but I found out this really funny stuff when I was surfing the internet..


SOCIALISM:You have 2 cows, and you give one to your neighbor.
COMMUNISM:You have 2 cows. The State takes both and gives you some milk.
FASCISM:You have 2 cows. The State takes both and sells you some milk.

FASCISM: You have two cows. The government takes one away and presses it into military service.

ANARCHISM: You have two cows. The cows decide you have no right to do anything with their milk and leave to form their own society.
ANARCHISM: You have two cows. Your neighbor hits you over the head with a brick, steals your cows, then shoots them for fun. You later discover that he is a Nazi.

BUREAUCRACY -- EUROPEAN UNION: You have two cows. The EU loses one cow, milks the other and then spills the milk.
BUREAUCRACY -- UNITED STATES: You have two cows. The government takes both, loses one while moving it to a farm in Puerto Rico and forgets to milk the other.
CANADIANISM: You have two cows. The bank takes both of them, shoots one, throws away the milk and you shoot yourself.

TRADITIONAL CAPITALISM:You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull.Your herd multiplies, and the economy grows.You sell them and retire on the income.
CAPITALISM -- AMERICAN: You have two cows. You sell one of them, and buy a bull. The cow and bull have a great love life; you sell the movie rights to Hollywood. Then you go into real estate.
CONSERVATIVISM: You have two cows. You freeze the milk and embalm the cows.

COMMUNISM -- CAMBODIAN: You have two cows. The government sends a teenager in a red bandana to shoot them, then he shoots you.
COMMUNISM -- CHINESE: You don't have any cows. The government sets up a joint venture with McDonald's.

COMMUNISM -- CUBAN: You have two cows. Fidel (Castro) tells you some undercover CIA agents have infected all of the cows in your region with a foreign disease that kills the cows. You and your family become malnourished. It begins to occur to you that Fidel doesn't know what he is talking about.
COMMUNISM -- CUBAN: You no longer have any cows. They sailed to Miami. You still have no milk - but you do have Fidel.

COMMUNISM -- "PURE": You have two cows. Your neighbors help you take care of them, and you all share the milk.
COMMUNISM -- "PURE": You have two cows. Your neighbors help you take care of them, and you all share the milk. Well, maybe the local bully gets more, or a few neighbors band together to kill you so that there is more milk for everyone else.

COMMUNISM -- SOVIET: You have two cows. You have to take care of them, but the government takes all the milk. Then the government sends you to prison.
COMMUNISM -- SOVIET: You have two cows. You count them and realize you have four cows. You drink more Vodka. You count the cows again and realize you have eleventy six cows. You drink even more Vodka. After a while,
you realize that eleventy isn't a real number. You count the cows again and have two cows. You stop counting cows and open another bottle of Vodka and try to drown the loss of eleventy four cows.

DEMOCRACY: You have two cows. A vote is held, and the cows win.
FEUDALISM: You have two cows. Your lord takes some of the milk.

IRAQISM: The British Government sends in a herd of 20 cows in a trial run to help a village outside Basra. The villagers are extremely grateful for the extra milk and the health of the children improves daily. A terrorist group then kidnaps the cows and accuses them of being traitors to "the cause." The terrorists then produce signed confessions from the cows and systematically assassinates each one in front of Al Jazeera television cameras.

LIBERTARIANISM: Go away. What I do with my cows is none of your business.
PACIFISM: You have two cows. They stampede you.
TALIBANISM: You have two cows. At first, the government makes them wear burkas, but later shoots them because "they are Hindu religious symbols."

QATARISM: You have two cows. They've been sitting there for decades and no one realizes that cows can produce milk. You see what Dubai is doing, you go crazy and start milking the heck out of the cows in the shortest time possible. Then you realize no one wanted the milk in the first place.
YEMENISM: You once had a cow. But then it got kidnapped.
SOCRATIC METHODISM: How many cows do I have? Why?
SURREALISM: You have two giraffes. The government paints them green and requires you to take harmonica lessons.

AN AMERICAN CORPORATION: You have two cows. You sell one, and force the other to produce the milk of four cows.Later, you hire a consultant to analyze why the cow has dropped dead.
A FRENCH CORPORATION: You have two cows. You go on strike, organise a riot, and blockthe roads, because you want three cows.
A JAPANESE CORPORATION:You have two cows. You redesign them so they are one-tenth thesize of an ordinary cow and produce twenty times the milk.You then create a clever cow cartoon image called Cowkimon and market it worldwide.

A GERMAN CORPORATION:You have two cows. You re-engineer them so they live for 100 years, eat once a month, and milk themselves.
AN ITALIAN CORPORATION:You have two cows, but you don’t know where they are.You decide to have lunch.

A SWISS CORPORATION:You have 5000 cows. None of them belong to you. You charge theowners for storing them.

A CHINESE CORPORATION:You have two cows. You have 300 people milking them.You claim that you have full employment, and high bovine productivity, and arrestthe newsman who reported the real situation.
AN INDIAN CORPORATION:You have two cows. You worship them.
A BRITISH CORPORATION:You have two cows. Both are mad.

IRAQI CORPORATION:Everyone thinks you have lots of cows. You tell them that youhave none.No-one believes you, so they bomb the shit out of you and invade your country.You still have no cows, but at least now you are part of a Democracy….
NEW ZEALAND CORPORATION:You have two cows. The one on the left looks *very* attractive.

SINGAPOREAN CIVIL SERVICE: You have two cows. You scold each one everyday before and after milking.You teach one of them to scold the other.You instruct them to moo only on command.
AUSTRALIAN CORPORATION:You have two cows.Business seems pretty good.You close the office and go for a few beers to celebrate.

Oookies.. Long Long Looong post...

YShe laughed. And laughed. And laughed yet again.;;

Thursday, September 21, 2006

12:36 pm

haaalo.... School isn't really interesting anymore.. Cuz everyone needs to study and all... AAARGH i'm seriously dead.. Haven't really started studying much... :( Hahaha... so, anyway, I seriously thought I was in trouble ytd.. Because of THIS blog... I know its on the grey line between acceptable and unacceptable.. Especially since some tchrs know about it.. So i was thinking of shutting it down..


For the time being anyways.. :D

Shall not talk about what happened though.I'll post some quotes and stuff...

Amrit: [trying, unsuccessfully, to unsettle Seow] What did you work as before you came to work in MGS?
Mr. Seow: [Succeeding in unsettling Amrit] STRIPPERRR....

Amrit: [to Seow] Did you have a hangover last night?
Mr. Seow: No, I had one on Saturday.

Mrs. Chan: Oi! I asked you all to compare answers with all the people in the class! All the people from the left side of the class never went to the right side lor!
Xiao Hui, Esther, Nicole and Sarah: Rivali came here! Rivali came here!
Mrs. Chan: Walau leh. Rivali's always at your table lah! Even in the middle of class she go there one ah.Shut up! She's not counted! Rivali, ah... [continues abusing me]

Mrs. Lim: [Teaching Probability] Now class, in a pack of cards if there are no jokers, the probability of-
Sarah: Rivali's a joker..
Me: I'm not a joker, I'm a terrorist.
Mrs. Lim: [ignoring us] How many of you in the class have never seen a pack of cards before?
[Mean and evil people like Salad, Hui Ling and me put up our hands..]
Mrs. Lim: I shall bring a pack of cards tomorrow..
Astrid: WOOHOO!!! CASINO!!

Mrs. Chan: Oi! Listen! Your Teachers' Day video, ah. You be careful okay? You don't embarrass anybody! You know that poor man [Mr. Seow] there ah, he very scared about what you are going to do in that video, ok.. Donno what to do! And I don't want anybody imitating me screaming at you for homework or whatever! You hear me??

Daphne: [during maths] You know, if we didn't have covered shoes, we could count to 20 better...

Mr. Seow: Can we start the lesson now?? Stop talking! Oi! Esther.. I said stop talking.. What did you say? Can you keep quiet and just let me teach??
Esther: [sticks her tongue out at him when his back is turned]

Mrs. Ng: [complaining about the stupid people she had to examine during the English Oral Exam] Just because you see tents on a school field in the picture doesn't mean its a school camp! It could be a church camp right? Or other people could be using the premises right? Honestly, these sort of stupid- Huh? What did you say Esther? Did you say that for your Oral Exam??
Esther: I didn't get that picture.. I got another one.
Mrs. Ng: Oh. How...sad..
Esther: Shut up.

Me: [during Life sciences]Is it possible for a man-plant to be created?
Ms. Sim: I don't know! [irritated that we're asking her dumb questions.]
Hui Ling: How 'bout a fish plant?
Daphne: You know, its possible that Mrs. Lim is a man-plant because her hair looks like a bird's nest.

Mr. Seow: Oi! Who said yes?
Xiao Hui: Yes to what?
Mr. Seow: Yes to me being naggy... Am I??
Everyone: Yess....
Mr. Seow: [looks hurt]
Sarah: But there's nothing wrong with being naggy..
Me: Yeah, everyone will just hate you... [JOKING]

[during Geography, half the class is huddled around Nicole and Xiao Hui's desk, gossiping about the teachers, right in FRONT of Mrs. Tang]
Nicole: So, then Mr. Seow was like, 'I have a chihuahua' and-
Xiao Hui: Yah! Its name is Baby. And everyday-
Mrs. Tang: Oi!
[We all get scared, thinking she's gonna scold us.]
Mrs. Tang: Oi! Turn towards me! I want to hear the story too! (laughs maniacally)
[Storytelling session continues, now with a new participant- Mrs. Emily Tang.]
Sarah: This love thing is so funny... Especially Mr. Seow and Ms. Ho and Mrs. Thomsett and Mrs. Ng...
Cheryl: Mrs. Tang, why don't you join in the race for Mr. Seow too?
Mrs. Tang: Whatt???
Sarah: She's married!!
Cheryl: Sorry Mrs. Tang... Hey, isn't Mrs. Thomsett married too??
Me: Shut up lah! Who cares??
Nicole: Oh, and Mr. David Loh and Mr. Seow are competing for Mrs. Thomsett by the way..
Ivfen: What the hell??
Cheryl: But she's married!!
Everyone: So?? Who cares??
Esther: Maybe Gina (Thomsett) likes Mr. Seow better than the Ang Mor guy lor..

Mrs. Ng: The ladies of Maycomb were treating Scout like a child.. Like talking down to her. Children HATE that by the way... Hasn't anyone come up to you girls when you were young and said "AWW..So cute!" And pinched ur cheeks?
Me: Someone tried.... I punched them..
Mrs. Ng: People used to pinch my sister's cheeks alot when I was young.. Cuz my sister was very pretty. People used to tell her how pretty she looked, then look at me and say- "Urgh.. What happened to this one?? Eeew..Look at her nose!" Honestly, my sister was a beauty queen.. She looked Eurasian.. Hard to believe right? Looking at me..
Everyone: Aww... [feeling bad]
Mrs. Ng: But seriously, never talk down to children.. I have friends who asked my son- "So, u you wanna go RI or ACS?" Then my son said "Excuse me, but I'm only P4." Some of my friends ask my sons stupid questions.. Then my son will say - "Mu-um. Your fre-end." And then my husband's like nudging me cuz he's being rude but...

Values Ed Trainer: So one day, I was going to the mall, and just as I was parking my car, this lorry came and took my spot. At first I was very angry, but then I realised, that, its not such a big deal.. So I let it pass..
Hui Ling: WHAT??? Go to hell lor! You stupid or what?? Just ram him down with your car, lah!

Okie dokies.. thats all for now.. :)


YShe laughed. And laughed. And laughed yet again.;;

Friday, September 15, 2006

4:25 pm

Ok, people.. Taking a break from work now :D

Oh gosh, I went to sleep like, at 1 a.m. in the morning ytd to finish all the ART RESEARCH... and I finished!!! Yay :) I remember last year, i never passed up a single thing, and Mrs .Chan hated my guts.. [She still does now, but I think she hates me a bit less.]

So, yesterday, I had my English Oral Exams... Sure flunked.. -___-" Mrs. Thory Chew was so... unnerving.. Like, Mrs Florence Lim and all were being nice and smiling.. Even Mrs. THOMSETT was smiling..Mrs. Chew just looked at me.. She was like, "Rivali? Yes. You may sit down and start when you're ready.. I was totally freaked out, and for the picture convo, when I said that one of the girls in the picture was smiling, she narrowed her eyess, and picked up the paper for a better look... AAAARRGH...

Mr. Seow was the opposite of Mrs. Chew though... The 2m girls said he was 'creepy.' Harhar.. At the start, he would ask every girl - "Are you nervous?" I mean.. what was the poor girl supposed to say? And while we were waiting for our turn, some of the girls were making alot of noise..
Then Seow cam and yelled 'I can hear you all from the other end of the hall!! If I hear one more noise, I will make sure you all FAIL in your oral exam..
General Reaction - "My ass lor.."
-"As if you can.."
-"Yeah right.."
-"Okay!" [resumes doing work]
-"Shut up lar.." [continues talking]
- [doesn't hear him, as she's sleeping.]

So before the oral exams, on wednesday we were practicing for it during English in the Lecture Theatre.

Mr. Seow: Girls, we're going to play a little game. You're going to describe the picture to me, and I am going to listen and-
2e: EEEEEW!!!! What games??
Amrit: Bring out the ropes!!!
Esther: Bondage, bondage, bondage...

Mr. Seow: Girls! Pay attention! You have to do well in your oral exams!
2e: Esther's very good in ORAL.
Esther: I love guys.

Seow showed us a picture of this guy lying under an umbrella, with his two kids and wife lying on a hammock above him. So, we all gave really weird descriptions of the picture.

Sarah: Esther says that the guy's naked and thats why he's hiding under the umbrella.
Random Person: He's staring at his family's butts!!

And he showed 2d the same picture, and this is wat Meera Rajah said..

Meera: The guy is humping the umbrella. The three people in the hammock must be the offspring of him and the umbrella. The two children are molesting the child in the middle.
Gosh, we really bully him..

Daphne was telling me about Monday, when Mrs. Chan's daughter cam into the art room while she was there.
Daphne: Mrs. Chan put her daughter on her lap, and was calling her sweetie and telling her that she really loved her and all that..
Rivali: Really?? She was being nice??
Daphne: Yeah.. You wouldn't believe right? In school she's always like 'lah lee loo lor" etc...

And maybe in my next post, I'll type out some of the best prank calls we could make on the teachers... If we had their numbers and had the guts to do it..Haha..

YShe laughed. And laughed. And laughed yet again.;;

Saturday, September 09, 2006

3:20 pm

Okay, so I haven't posted for a long time...
1) Trying to pass EOYs
2) No School. My home life is rather boring.
3) I was out. ( Iknow this contradicts the studying part, but..)
4) You know how hard it is to upload those damn pictures in my previous post??? There was ALWAYS some html error...
5) My dog Bowser started a cold war between him and me.
6) Bowser's glaring at me right now.. for NO reason.
7) I glare back.
8) He sighs, and gives me this 'grow-up-you-loser' look. He walks off...
9) I was depressed about getting bullied by my dog.

My calculator just did a somersault. Actually, thats what I'm gonna tell my mom.Truth is, I;m sopissed cuz I can't get this stupid maths sum, I threw the calculator at the wall...

So anyway, its the *holidays* and I'm spending more time with family and all that.....
F.Y.I- My brother Rohit's a genius who helps me with my history and geog studies. He's 10 years old.

Me: Hey, Rohit.. Would you rather drown to death or be eaten alive by a crocodile?
Rohit: Crocodiles kill their pray by dragging them underwater and drowning them.. Didn't you know that?
Me: Erm... er..

Rohit: Mozilla Firefox.
Me: Whatt??
Rohit: Mozilla Firefox.
Rivali: I know what you're doing! You're screaming random and nonsensical words to confuse and unsettle people! Thats what I do!
Rohit: Mozilla Fire fox..

Rohit:[when we were at J8] Hey! you know the macdonalds sign up thing? I typed in a random BC number and said that I was a guy called Roland!! But it wasn't successful cuz the BC number apparently doesn't exist.. [Looks dejected]
Me: At last, an heir! [Tears come to my eyes, as I realise that my brother can take over my reign of terror when I am dead.]
Rohit: [looks weirdly at me..]
Me: Come! Let me teach you how to steal your friend's BC numbers and do the same thing! [ps: I do NOT do that in real life..]

And my bengali schoool teacher called on Tuesday to complain about why I hadn't passed up any homework for the eleventh week in a row... So here's how the convo went..[call me to act out the scene.. I have perfected her accent)

Bengali teacher: (in the worst imaginable English) Haaalo.. Is this Rivali? Are your parents there?
Rivali: (lying) Urm.. no.. They're er- out.
Bengali teacher: Okay.. I called to ask you why i see here that you have no passed up homework?
Rivali: Um... I'm really sorry and- er....
Bengali teacher: Very irresponsible it is of you.. and i think maybe that i will have to-
Rivali:[playing Icy Tower] Oh SHIT!! I DIED!!! ohh man.. I -
Bengali teacher: Haalo? Haaaaalo??
Rivali: Teacher, I have to go.. I'm er.. meeting up for project work.. yeah.. er bye! [skips of to Orchard Road to meet Amrit, watch a movie and go shopping].

Yeah.. I HATE BENGALI SCHOOL!!! Okay.. so, anyway, I was talking to my friend Ravleen on the phone.
Another F.Y.I- Ravleen and Amrit are my best friends. They are both Punjabis. They hate each other. Since there was some party when they were in Primary 3....

Ravleen: I read your blog.. OMG.. my teachers came to school in school uni too. (She goes to TKGS) Only the female teachers did that though.. And this one teacher had...stuf... hanging out where it wasn't supposed to..It was GROSS okay and-
Me: Oh gosh... EEEEEWW..
Ravleen: So, I was reading you blog.. Is your whole class obsessed with teachers or something?
Me: No... we just like...erm... ruining their lives, if you know what I mean...[Its not an obsession, right 2e? More of a ... THIRST TO KILL, DESTROY, RUIN, WRECK, DAMAGE AND DEVASTATE.]
Ravleen: Yeah, but..
Me: I mean, what were we supposed to do? Sit quietly while Mr. Seow and Mr. Ong walked around in skirts??
They're guys you know...
Ravleen: I sorta figured out that they were guys, you know, from the 'Mister' part?
Me: Hahahaha.. yeah.. So anyway, on Monday,I'm trying to get my class to do ______(secret plan which cannot be divulged in case a teacher reads it)________ to Mr. Seow and-
Ravleen: Mr. Seow?
Me: You know, the one who wears skirts...
Ravleen: Oh my gosh.. That was ONE time.. Don't brand the poor man..
Me: Flabajaba.

And Meera Rajah, Su-lyn,Shakti and me are trying to start World War Three.. So, we need recruits!! Join us, join us!! Contact Meera for for details.. Her blog is linked in the sidebar...


YShe laughed. And laughed. And laughed yet again.;;

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

12:49 pm

So here are the pics as promised.. :P
Thanx to Salad who taught me how to post them on my blog.

Mr. Ong Kim Fong and Mr. Melvin Seow in MG uniform. (with Mrs. Thory Chew)

Mr. Ong's skirt is really really short rite??
Su-lyn was talking about what would happen if his skirt flew up.. lol..

And if you're Shakti, and you're reading this, then you are drooling andstaring at Mr. Seow's legs right now...

Mr. Seow the hunk.
[Too bad his legs aren't shown, Shakti.]

Mrs. Chan
[Posture is everything, as is speaking properly.]

Mrs. Lim
[So cute right?? Wel, I have only ONE word to say: PALABOLA!! :D]

Mrs. Tang
[I think this one's the best..*Maybe* its because her face actually matches her body,

Ms. Sim

[I bet the dress is made up of dna fragments or something...
I'm gonna fail life sciences..]

Mrs. Low
[High voltage!!
Yes, rainbows rock...]

Mrs. Ng
[We tried our utmost to make you
look good. And you DO.. So please
don't get angry. Please. Nobody was
trying to make you look like a monkey.
Really. You may think you look ugly
here. But you don't. REALLY.
You may not believe me, but
REALLY you look alot better than
what you seem to think of yourself.

Teo Lee Lee
[Aaaand... last and definitely least, Mdm Teo Lee Lee.. The racist one.
Please be aware that, like Mrs. Ng, we also tried our utmost to make you look good. However, unlike Mrs Ng, our efforts for you were unsuccessful.
And you are secretly in love with Meera. Oh wait.. you don't know Meera.. You know the one who you think is called 'Rajar.' Yeah, That one.]

YShe laughed. And laughed. And laughed yet again.;;