Last week was fun, we went to the zoo! Also started French lessons at Alliance Francaise with Su-lyn, Tricia Seow and Yanka.
So, zoo first. Sorry for only posting about it now, but I was down with the flu over the weekend, and its hard to be deliciously evil while blogging if you're sick. Anyway, I'm back to normal now, and in tip-top condition for terrorising Nicole Heng, Prisci, Deanna and Amanda Soo. Mwahahaha. Haha. Ha.
So, quotes!
[at the bus stop waiting for the bus]
Me: I brought sunblock!
Nic: (not hearing properly) Huh?? Who was so kiasu as to bring sunblock?
Me: (quietly) Me...
Amanda: Huh? Why?
Amanda: Hahaha, I was going to say that, but I couldn't, but you did.. [continues talking some gibberish]
Deanna: [sighs and looks towards the buses forlornly]
Amanda: So, what's the difference between fair and dark Indians?
Me: Well, the fairer ones are generally considered prettier, and-
Prisci: Eh, eh [points to some darker Indians who are sitting right behind us]
[Everyone shuts up]
ps: By mentioning the above conversation, I am not taking a racially prejudiced stance against any particular ethnic group. If you accuse me of being biased against darker people (and may I remind you I am one of them) I will give you a detailed account of the prejudice I myself have faced due to this. And if you're still angry you can go away... shoo...
Anyway, on the bus to the zoo, I started talking to Prisci about the O-levels, and a galnce in our friends' direction showed that Deanna was talking animatedly to Amanda and Nic about how high the stack of her TYSes was..
We have O-levels on the brain! We have brains!
So, anyway, we reached the zoo, somehow.

The sign says "Welcome Home Amanda!" The Baboons gave it to her.
So, as soon as we entered the zoo, Prisci was amazed by the real life ELEPHANTS standing in the pond at the zoo entrance, with NO BARRIER between them and us! Unfortunately, a few seconds later, Priscilla dear realised what everyone had known all along... that they were merely statues. Priscilla's fascination with these fake animals didn't end there, no, no, it carried on right until the end of the trip...
Ah, if only it was a real crocodile... *looks wistful*
So, one of the first animals we saw was...
Stop thinking what I think you're thinking. This is a Proboscis monkey.
And the five of us, inventive as we are came up with a rather more suitable nickname for it. Hint: starts with a 'P' and ends with a 's' as well.
So... went and saw the white tigers. They seemed docile. White tigers are actually Bengal tigers, so in that sense they are my 'relatives.' I don't mind having tigers as relatives, we're quite similar actually... Majestic, awe-inspiring, powerful, murderous, ferocious, the list goes on and on doesn't it?
Moving on to a more unpleasant part of the trip, the fragile forest! Stupid butterflies fluttering around! I'm TERRIFIED of butterflies okay, but luckily, so was Priscilla. After entering the 'forest' (after a long looong time, because we followed Amanda Soo's sense of direction and ended up trekking a couple of miles before realising that it had been right next to us in the first place) the first thing I saw was a couple of butterflies fluttering around. Deanna seemed to have a lot of fun trying to catch the evil creatures. Me and Prisci held on to Nicole's hand and screamed while running through the whole thing. I finally escaped, while being sheltered by Amanda Soo, who's quite motherly actually. I'm not being sarcastic. Though I was clutching her bag and screaming I felt quite safe. Go Amanda!
We also ran into Cheryl Seah a couple of baboons, Shreyanka a komodo dragon, Giselle Tham a whole bunch of goats, Meera a frog and a pony with a huge fringe, and many other interesting animals.
At the penguin enclosure...
Nicole: Oooh, its so cute! Its just sitting there!
Amanda: Maybe its incubating an egg!
Deanna: Oh omg, its like crouching there, like this! (Imitates the penguin and exaggerates its cuteness)
Everyone: AWWWW..
Me: Maybe its just shitting.
Deanna yelled something about it being an anticlimax, but hey, maybe it really was right?
But the petting zoo was closed, and it was my favourite part!
Still, we went to some new thing called Rainforest Kidzworld and went on the carousel there! Amanda claimed to be sitting on Jacob Black but it was actually an ordinary wolf. I sat on a dinosaur.
So, we wanted it to go faster, right? Because getting flung off a carousel when it is revolving at dizzying speeds is, you know, fun. But the moment we yelled at the carousel operator to make it go faster, he stopped it. Apparently, the ride was 'over' or something. Oh well, we regained a little piece of our lost childhood, and it was wonderful :)
Then, we decided to terrorise little kids!

This was some 'doodleboard' on sale at the store there.
I thought the message Deanna left (yes, Deanna, who's quite terrifying, whatever she may claim to be) was scary enough, but when we returned after having lunch, the message had been erased! So I wrote it back on again in alphabetical order...
Me: [writing] Amanda... Deanna.... Nicole..... What's after that?
Some idiot: Rivali...
Me: Rivali... and Priscilla were here!
Priscilla: Wait, since when was 'R' in front of 'P'?
Me: Huh? Oh yeah... WHO TOLD ME THAT???
Nicole: [in a bored, 'isn't-it-obvious' tone] Amanda...
Amanda: [laughs]
Deanna: [yawns]
Speaking of morons, we had lunch in KFC and there were these, well, morons sitting at the table next to us. They dropped their tray, right next to Deanna's chair and didn't pick it up, pointedly ignoring it.
Me: Lets go and tell them to pick it up!
Amanda: [laughs and says something which sounded like 'mimblewimble']
Deanna: Look, they're with their girlfriends..
Me and Amanda: Uh-huh...?
Deanna: That's the wrong time to confront guys.. You know, they need to show off to their girlfriends... Act macho.
Me and Amanda: Uh-huh?
Deanna: You go tell him to pick up the tray, you'll probably get a punch. [punches the air]
Deanna is so wise, no?
But when we were leaving..
Nicole: [walking out]
Nicole: ... Louder!
But they didn't hear.
Tomorrow's the class party! Can't wait!
Bon soir.