Hello! Yelling out 'freedom' or 'I'm alive!' is going to be so cliched so I'll just do with a 'hello!'.
Yes. Hello!
Hello again! I can type out rubbish all day long, and there will be NO CONSEQUENCES.
My room is still strewn with textbooks and TYSes. I haven't cleaned it up yet.
Anyway, went out with Amanda Soo, Cheryl Seah, Deanna, Giselle Tham, Lydia, Nic Heng and Priscilla after the O's ended. We watched HSM3, and were kind of separated into Nic, Amanda and Giselle who love High School Musical, and the rest of us who.. er.. didn't.
Troy: [playing basketball, losing]
Gabriella: [stands up, the lone figure among the seated crowd] Trooooooy! You can do it!
Troy: [looks at Gabriella, and her encouragement and love gives him the strength he needs to carry on playing, to eventually win the game]
Deanna: Eeeyurgh....
Everyone: [singing and dancing happily, smiles plastered on their faces]
Ryan: [dancing on the piano, happily singing]
And I think Lyddie must have done something else, because in the middle of the kissing scene I think, Nicole suddenly yelled at her "You're ruining the moment!"
Poor nic.

We had lunch in Swensen's at plaza sing.
Waiter: [brings some plates of food and just stands there, looking at us expectantly]
Me: Er.. which one is the chicken baked rice?
Waiter:[points at one, then the other, then sighs and just walks away]
Nic: Oh, I forgot to tell you, the service is bad here.
Everyone: -_________-
Hahaha! Lunch was good though, despite everything. Then as we were walking out, AFTER paying the bill, we passed another waitress who informed us that Gis and Amanda's ice creams (part of a set) hadn't been served yet. So we went and sat back down. It was quite sad actually.
Then we were just walking around plaza sing. We discovered where Mrs. ________ shops for clothes- the 'Build-a-Bear Workshop.' If you go there and see the clothes, you'll realise what I'm talking about heheh. Then Cheryl wanted to go spotlight, and Deanna and me didn't, so the group kind of fractured. We were just walking around aimlessly thinking "WHAT DO WE DO NOW?" And everyone was just thinking, oh dear, if this is the first day of freedom and we're already bored, what are we going to do for the next two months? So we sat down in some corner of plaza sing (outside the build-a-bear workshop, the most pointless retail outlet in the world) and just talked. And people were giving us 'The Eye' probably because Lydia Yeo DECIDED TO TAKE HER SHOES OFF AND AIR HER FEET (maybe we should rename it 'The Nose'... ok, kidding).
Then headed off to Udders. But guess what? It was closed for renovation! And guess what? It was opening the very next day! Talk about adding salt to the wound. So we headed off to united square and took retarded videos..
Incase you're wondering, yes, people were staring...
Oh,on the way from plaza sing to United Square, we took the mrt, and there was this busker at the underpass there... Apparently, he was Nic's favourite busker? So we all gave him some money, then we requested a song. So he started singing, and we sang screeched along, though the only words we knew to it were 'let it be.' People were staring at us as they walked by, but it was really a great experience. :)

After that, went to The Cricket Club with my family for dinner, and I mentioned the incident to my dad. And he suddenly started singing the song...
Let It Be -The Beatles
When I find myself in times of trouble, mother Mary comes to me,
speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
And in my hour of darkness she is standing right in front of me,
speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be.
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.
And when the broken hearted people living in the world agree,
there will be an answer, let it be.
For though they may be parted there is still a chance that they will see,
there will be an answer. Let it be.
Let it be, let it be .....
And when the night is cloudy, there is still a light, that shines on me,
shine until tomorrow, let it be.
I wake up to the sound of music, mother Mary comes to me,
speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
Let it be, let it be .....
So, its 2:30 in the morning and I can't sleep. What shall I do now? Watch gossip girl? Prank call people (Hello, Meera, this is Kenneth speaking)? Go to sleep? I don't think I can.
I just read a pretty haunting story in The Elephant Vanishes by Haruki Murakami. He's a fantastic author really (compared to Stephanie Meyer), but his stories make you think alot. And in some cases get slightly freaked. And since my dogs refuse to come into my room tonight for some reason, and having my nightlight on doesn't seem very helpful on this dark, cloudless night, I guess I'll stay awake until my domestic helper wakes up. That's in three and a half hours. Otherwise I'll get nightmares. During the olevels it was about failing and stuff. Not so bad. Now, with the freedom and time to let my imagination run wild, its about vampires and all..... And not the edward cullen type, unfortunately.