I never write a post straight out and then publish it straight away. I always save it, and add more stuff to it, right? And everytime I save a post, IT GETS DELETED. Its JUST BLANK when I return to it. And anyway, I don't have soooo much time to doggedly retype post after STUPID post, so like FIVE POSTS have gone totally down the drain. Anyway, I've reverted back to internet explorer instead of Mozilla Firefox, so maybe that will help? If it doesn't, the blogger staff will be added to my hate list.
I don't have a hate list, actually. Does anyone? It would be quite fun. But then again, I'd probably spend alot of time thinking about those people I dislike, and that's not a very happy thing to do. Hmmm...
IMCB Student Attachment Programme!!
It was fun- especially the people there. Alot of what we did was a recap of Sec 1 life sciences, so it was a good memory refresher? And we learnt alot of pathogens, it was really interesting. Only thing is, it was written on the form, that it was a student attachment programme, but it was more like haveing life science/biology lessons ALL DAY LONG ofr THREE whole days. Don't get me wrong, I love Bio. But I thought that we'd be shadowing real scientists, not doing prepared experiments. And the weird thing was, all the other kids ( most of them were in JC2) couldn't believe that I had done alot of the stuff in Sec ONE. Hahaha... Go MG!!
But the people I met there were seriously fun. I've heard alot of stuff about how different kids from neighbourhood schools are (racist, gangsters,etc), and how its impossible for someone from MG to even talk to them, but that is SERIOUSLY not the case. There were six groups of six people each for the IMCB thing, and group1 and group 2 (my group) got along so, so, SO well.
And it didn't matter that some of us were from RJC and Hwa Chong, and others were from Naval Base Secondary. It just didn't matter. I actually regained some faith in the Singapore system (though my conversation with Amrit today sort of destroyed that).. So.. pictures!

Joanne (Dunman High) and Me. She was my Lab partner, and was really funny. Like a mixture of ShuWei and Amrit. Go figure!

Joanne and Xin Hui (VJC)

Me, Yanni (VJ), Joanne, and Xin Hui.
It may seem really weird, but because the workshop was only for three days, we didn't bother to get to know each other's names.... initially.We called each other by school. A typical conversation went like this..
"Oi, MGS!"
"What lah, Meridian (MJC)?"
"Do we add 20 mil of PBS to the solution?"
"I think so... Or is it 10 mil? I dunno... Ask Hwa Chong."
"Ya hor.. Oi Hwa Chong! HWA CHONG!! Stop muttering to yourself in Chinese lah, I need to ask you a question.."
Yes, poor 'Hwa Chong'. His real name was Jeremy, but the fact that he was from Hwa Chong sort of overshadowed his personality initally. Everyone was making fun of him (lightheartedly though) because he came from a supposed Cheena School (I shall go back to this later). But honestly, he was one of the few people who actually spoke English almost all the time, even when he wasn't speaking to me.
I think its basic courtesy right? If someone doesn't understand a language, and everyone else does in a group, you don't speak in that language. It wasn't the students, but the scientists who actually kept on speaking in Chinese when I was there. Not all the time, but when you're explaining something to a student, everyone else is listening even if you're not speaking directly to them, right? So, if you had basic courtesy, you'd speak in English right? Apparently, that sort of reasoning still eludes certain people.
Certain unpleasant memories of primary school wafted back into my mind, but I pushed them out again. OLGC's gone. Fullstop. Nada. Zilch. Okay, enough of that. But I wish MGS had a JC though... :(((((
The twelve of us!
From left: Dr. Lee, Xin lei- I think (RJC), Wong Pann (NBSS), HOng En (RI), Guan Hua(standing) and Jonathan (MJC), Jeremy (HCI), Jasper (standing) from Bendemeer, MUA, Joanne, Yanni and Xin Hui (VJC) and Natasha (RJC).
All 36 of us.
Groups 1 and 2.
From left: Hwa Chong and Me.
Standing: Guan Hua and Jonathan.
The Guys. Hwa Chong, Jonathan, Jasper, Guan Hua and Wong Pann.
RI had scuttled away to his own RI clique. He seemed to be scuttling around alot. Like a crab.
Audrey! She was sitting opposite me..
By the way, the instructors told Groups 1 and 2 that we were the worst camwhores she had ever met. But we were a good group. We were on time, we did our work .. and then we camwhored.
For Naval Base, his real name was Wong Pann An. Everyone called him Wang Ba Tan. HAHA!! Since it one of the few Chinese words I knew, I was thrilled that I could understand!
And now, on to Hwa Chong.
The poor guy. Seriously. We weren't mean, but there was alot of good-natured teasing.
Me: Oh, I got this superfunny Hwa Chong joke!
Everyone: What? What?
Me: Hwa Chong, do you get offended by Hwa chong jokes?
Hwa Chong: (turns around and refuses to answer me.)
Jonathan (MJC): No, of course he doesn't. Carry on!
Most conversations went like this...
"Oi, you can speak English not?"
"Yes, ofcourse-"
"Ofcourse he can, he got 3 points in his O's"
"Okay, whatever."
"Do you all speak English in school? Or Chinese?"
"English!! Listen-"
"Shut up. Then why does your school have a cheena reputation?"
"I don't know- actually we're quite an Ang mor school and-"
"HAHAHAHAA. Yeah right. Go to hell. I mean (repeats 'got to hell' in Chinese). "
"Now you can understand right?"
(he refuses to answer)
"Aw, I guess he can't."
"YES I CAN, I'm just angry so I'm ignoring-"
"OH LOOK! He's speaking English!"
And it went on and on. Truth is, his standard of English was way better than most of the people there! Haha.
Anyway, it was a good experience. I had always wondered whether to go into molecular biology, or design when I grew up, and now I have the answer... and its NOT molecular biology. Sorry, but the scientists kept complaining about being OVERWORKED and UNDERPAID.
I'm running awaaaaaaaaay..
Rivali! :)