I miss Mr. Low... I think we all do :(
Mr. Seow: Cheryl, Lianne, are you done? You are? Ok ..then stop talking and disturbing the class. Please entertain yourselves... or entertain each other.
2e: Entertain EACH OTHER??
Cheryl: Are you trying to encourage lesbianism and homosexuality in this school, Mr. Seow?
Mr. Seow: Erm...WHATT?!???!!?
Cheryl: Are you straight Mr. Seow?
Mrs: Chan:[barging in during English] Oi! How about the moon cakes? I mean, I don't care whether you all are the first class in the mooncake-selling competition, just don't be last ok! Just buy some can 'ready lah... Ok, who will confirm buy one?
[About 5 people raise their hands.]
Mr. Seow: How about we make it a rule that everyone buys 5 boxes?
2e: OI! ONE box is $28! You buy lah, Prada-man.
Mrs. Chan: NO LAH!!! SO expensive lah! Walau leh! They go broke, ah! YOU buy! I punch you lah!
2e: GO MRS. CHAN!!! [Claps and cheers. Mrs. Chan looks pleased with herself. Mr. Seow blushes and looks around meekly.]
Ms. Cheah: Girls! Why are you asking me all these questions? (abt her and Mr. Ong) We're supposed to be doing CHEMISTRY!!
Cheryl: Because we love you and care for you, thats why we want to know about you AFFAIRS..
Ms. Cheah: Look... Listen to me.. There is NOTHINGgoing on between Mr. Ong and me, okay? NOTHING, you hear me? NOTHING!
[2e continues asking her questions, paying no heed to what she says :)]
Mr. Low: After the war, I owned this house and only got $47 a month and I had to pay $20 tax so...
2e: Where was the house?
Mr. Low: It was in Geylang and-
2e: GEYLANG??? GEYLANG?!?!?!!??!?? [Giving each other meaningful looks]
Mr. Low: Tsk. Its not where you think it is, uh girls..um...
Meera Rajah: My name is Ali Muttu Mohamed and I sell prata.
[Prank calling Mrs. Thomsett and Su-lyn's party]
Mrs. Thomsett: I'm sorry, but I amnot interested in buying such products.
Meera: [urgently] But-but.. we sell good prata! Big, small, all sizes!
[This goes on for a few minutes until Mrs. Thomsett is heard trying to end the call frantically]
Esther: Mr. Seow, whats your opinion of older women dating younger men?
Rivali(me): Hey, Mr. Seow, whats your opinion of taller women dating shorter men?
Mr. Seow: Why? WHY are you asking me all these questions?
2e: Melly. (Ms. Cheah)
Xiao Hui: Can you hook up with Melly?
Cheryl: Can you go with Melly to the movies? Please?
Mr. Seow: No! No setting up! Do your work!
Cheryl:[Ignoring him] Have you ever gone on a blind date?
[2e continues asking him questions]
Ivfen: Its 1.11 p.m, Mr. Seow.
Mr. Seow: So, am I supposed to go now?
2e: Yeeessss....
Mr. Seow: [Looks at us with a confused look. Then-] No girls, no.
Morons: Nicole's gonna give birth at 12.3o p.m.
Nicole: Yup yup. To Nicham. My second child with David Beckham.
Mr. Seow: Well, its not 12.30 now. Don't stand up yet, Nicole.
2e: What??? Who gives birth standing up??
Sarah: Why are YOU standing up then?
Xiao Hui: Actually, you look quite pregnant lor.
Morons: Whos' the father? Who's the father?
Xiao Hui: So the red in the painting creates a 3d effect and-
Mrs. Chan: Rubbish.
Xiao Hui: Erm.. ok... And the young boy here is looking at the railway track, so its like his life is uncertain and-
Mrs. Chan: Rubbish.
Xiao Hui: Yes, and the firecrackers here show that there is danger, so-
Mrs. Chan: Rubbish, all rubbish. But actually ah, the crap you're giving me is quite good. So carry on...
2e: Happy Birthday! [singing to Mrs. Low]
Mrs. Low: Girls, I know you are trying to get rid of me, but singing weird songs won't make me leave.
And, people, theres SO much more, which I shall continue in some other post.. I was just thinking about all the great times we've had as a class. We should really treasure our time -what? 2 months?- left.. Some of you will be going NJC, some SBC, and we'll all be separated.
Don't spend your time bitching about classmates and teachers. (You all know who you are) And like Sarah said in her post in the 2e blog, don't defame teachers in your blogs. I mean, go ahead, talk about the funny stuff which happens, but dont curse them. You should go read Sarah's post at http://www.2e-xpress.blogspot.com .
I quote Sarah.. "Imagine you are a teacher and one day you stumble upon a blog in which the student talks about how terrible and annoying you are and other such hurtful comments. How would you feel? It would hurt. The student doesn't care that you've read it. It doesn't matter to her one bit. In fact, the next day in school you mention having visited her blog. Yet, that same day you return to her blog only to find more comments about not just you, but many of your colleagues. How would you feel?
Rivali impostered Mr Seow that time telling us not to defame teachers. You know, while it is really un-Mr Seow to do that, I think it's some sort of... visage you know. He cant possible be totally unaffected by our comments. He just doesn't show it. Really, I think in his heart that's what he feels...."
Like I said, Sarah's a super convincing person.... And what she says is true! Don't call them swear words. When you say things like "Mrs. _____ is a b****, you think pple can't tell you're calling that teacher a bitch? They CAN. And it hurts that person.
I removed the Person X post, cuz I realized how hurtful it was.. And I'm sorry for being mean abt Mr. Seow in that post.. I dint mean it. :)
Anyway, think happy thoughts and flabajaba!
What You Really Think Of Your Friends |
Baby is Mr. Seow's soulmate. |
Mr. Seow truly loves Mr. Loh. |
Mr. Seow considers Mrs. Thomsett his true friend. |
Mr. Seow knows that Ms. Ho is always thinking of him. |
Mr. Seow will remember Mrs. Chan for the rest of his life. |
Mr. Seow secretly thinks Mrs. Ng is creative, charming, and a bit too dramatic at times. |
Mr. Seow secretly thinks that Sec. 2e is colorful, impulsive, and total risk takers. |
Mr. Seow secretly thinks that Ms. Cheah is loyal and trustworthy to him. And that Ms. Cheah changes lovers faster than underwear. |
Mr. Seow secretly thinks 4B3 is shy and nonconfrontational. And that 4B3 has a hidden internet romance. |
You Should Be Fashion Designer |
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Your Theme Song is Beautiful Day by U2 |
![]() You see the beauty in life, especially in ordinary everyday moments.And if you're feeling down, even that seems a little beautiful too. |
You Have a Phlegmatic Temperament |
![]() It is difficult to offend you. You can remain composed and unemotional.You are a great friend and lover. You don't demand much of others.While you are quiet, you have a subtle wit that your friends know well. At your worst, you are lazy and unwilling to work at anything.You often get stuck in a rut, without aspirations or dreams.You can get too dependent on others, setting yourself up for abandonment. |
You Are 40% Evil |
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Your Monster Profile |
![]() You Feast On: Armadillos You Lurk Around In: Las Vegas You Especially Like to Torment: Crybabies |
Your Ideal Pet is a Cat |
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You Are a Chimera |
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