Oh my gosh. Home Econs today was hilarious. I mean, it started off with Ms Loy giving us this lecture about Nutrients and Minerals and yadayadayada. Then she said "Girls, everything you eat has nutrients. So I put up my hand and said, " Ms. Loy, theoretically speaking, if we eat air, then air is food. But since when did air have minerals?"Then the poor woman got agitated and tried to explain why air wasn't food and all that.
Then after that, we asked her what cured meat was. So she was like, " Cured meat is meat that has been put in salt for a long time and has no germs." or *something* like that. Then she continued- " You see, in the olden days,there were no refridgerators. So, pple stored their meat in salt, so it wouldn't go stale in winter."
Then esther said " Why couldn't they just eat rocks?"
I mean, that comment was totally random and nonsensical, but Esty and I were like just laughing like hell.....